This is the landing page for my projects’ documentation.’s API documentation is located here.
Kvarn, a forward-thinking fast web server designed to fit your needs, efficiently.
Mölla, the Kvarn executable and config format.
Agde, a general decentralized sync library supporting text and binary.
Dach, a diff library with support for any changing data.
agde-io; agde-tokio; and agde-web, further abstractions on top of Agde. This is the code that interacts with your browser / OS to store and send data.
Elipdotter, a full text search engine.
kvarn-search, an extension to Kvarn that uses Elipdotter to provide search capabilities.
kvarn-auth, an en extension to Kvarn that adds simple, secure, and fast authentication to your Kvarn instance.
std-dev, a statistics calculation library with support for regression (multiple estimators), standard deviation, etc.
fractal-renderer, a multi-threaded fractal renderer (soon running on the GPU) with support for the Mandelbrot, Julia sets, and the Barnsley fern. Documentation isn’t very good since this is a binary.
sitemap-iter, a small library to iterate the pages of a website according to it’s sitemap. Used by kvarn-search when crawling.
clap_autocomplete, an easy to integrate shell completion for Clap. Finds the user’s shell and puts completion files in the appropriate locations.
strange-attractor-renderer, a blazingly fast mulithreaded strange attractor renderer.