
Module spiral

Available on crate feature regression only.
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Spiral estimator, a robust sampling estimator. This should be more robust than theil_sen.

This is a brainchild of this library’s lead developer Icelk.

The spiral::Options implement most of the estimators.


You supply a fitness_function to all functions which tells the algorithm which lines are good. The magnitude is irrelevant, only order is considered. The algorithm tries to minimize the returned value. This allows you to choose the desired properties of resulting line/polynomial, without checking all possible values.


The polynomial regression implementation only allows for degrees 1 & 2. See details for more info on this.

The sampling technique means this might miss the right point to close in on. Therefore, I highly recommend using the higher quality options.


Since this uses a fitness function, the robustness is determined by that. Using the “default” manhattan_distance gives good results (think least squares, but without the squared importance of errors). This is what the implementations for spiral::Options does.

Since this tests a wide range of possibilities before deciding on one, it’s very likely we don’t get trapped in a local maxima.


The functions are O(fitness function) where O(fitness function) is the time complexity of your fitness_function. That’s often O(n) as you’d probably in some way sum up the points relative to the model.

This puts the algorithm similar to ols, but with much worse (read: 4x-100x) performance. This may be justified by the advantages. It scales much better than theil_sen and is more robust, but when the count of points is small, theil_sen is faster.


The idea is to make a phase space of the parameters to a line (y=(slope)*x + (y-intersect)). We then traverse the phase space with a logarithmic spiral and sample points (we start at the angle θ e.g. -12π and go to a max value, e.g. 12π) on an interval. When the range of the spiral has been sampled, we choose the best point and create a spiral there. Depending on how far out the new point, scale the whole spiral’s size (by distance.sqrt().sqrt()). Then repeat.

Parameters are chosen for an optimal spiral. The logarithmic spiral was chosen due to the distribution of unknown numbers (which the coefficients of the line are). There’s generally more numbers in the range 0..100 than in 100..200. Therefore, we search more numbers in 0..100.

We can do this in 3 dimensions by creating a 3d spiral. For this, I used a spherical spiral where the radius grows with the angle of the spiral, calculated by e^(θk) where k is a parameter, similar to how a logarithmic spiral is created.

On implementing third degree polynomials, can we get a spiral on a hypersphere? Or do we just need a even distribution?
